Haitian Art Society ARCHIVE 2003-2012

About the HAS and Membership

HAS Conferences Events and News

Other Haitian Art Events

Art Gallery Links

Art Information Links

Members' Favorite Artworks

More Members' Favorite Artworks

Remponeau & Savain at the 1939 IBM Exhibitions

Andre Pierre page

Auction News - Hyppolite

More Hector Hyppolite

eBay Auction Highlights

Miami HAS 2006 Conference Photos

Waterloo HAS 2008 Conference Photos

June 2009 DC Exhibition Conference Flyer

Hyppolite Show and Conference June 2009

Hyppolite Show and Conference Page 2

Pittsburgh 2010 Schedule

Conference in Haiti. Canceled Itinerary



Welcome to the Original HAS Website 2003-2012 Homepage

ARCHIVE of the Haitian Art Society

The Haitian Art Society


The HAS second website from 2013-2019 is archived here:



The Current Haitian Art Society Website 2020 onward is here: 



The Haitian Art Society also has a Facebook Group Page:


Click on the painting of Toussaint Louverture by Guidel Présumé 

to be linked to the website of author Madison Smartt Bell for 

more information about the painter and his subject.

For a biography of Toussaint Louverture by MSB click > here 

Toussaint Louverture by Guidel Présumé


Updated on July 23 2020